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WordPress Hosting Guru – Website performance is one of the important foundations that makes or breaks your online business. If a web page takes more than 3 seconds to load, you risk losing 7% in conversion rates. 

What Affects WordPress Website Performance? 

There are a couple factors that may affect how well your website performs, some of which are: 

  • The number of images on the webpage, which is why it’s important to optimize them for speed.
  • The type of content found on your WordPress web page could be in the form of  videos and JavaScript. 
  • The visitor’s internet connection may also affect loading times, which should be another factor to consider. 
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WordPress Hosting Guru

4 Key Metrics for Website Performance

Page Load Time: How long a website takes to load. 

Server Response Time: How long a server takes to respond to a request form a web browser 

Bounce Rate: The percentage of visitors who leave the website after viewing one page of the website. 

Conversion Rate: The percentage of visitors who take a desired action (purchasing or signing up for a newsletter).

WordPress Hosting Guru Performance

A poorly performing website may drastically affect your user engagement, conversion rates, and search engine rankings, which is why it’s necessary to choose a reliable WordPress hosting provider (we hope it’s GuruDesk). 

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WordPress Hosting Guru

User Engagement

What do you do when a website takes too long to load? Leave. A slow-loading website can lead to a high bounce rate and low session duration, which translates to: users aren’t engaging with your website and decide to leave or abandon it. 

Conversion Rates

With low user engagement, you will find lower conversion rates. Few visitors will choose to take the desired action, which could be purchasing or signing up to a newsletter. 

Search Engine Rankings:

With user engagement and conversion rates decreasing, your website would not be visible, therefore it would not be ranked nor noticed on search engines. This also ends up affecting back-linking, since there will be more reputable sources to link and use. 

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WordPress Hosting Guru

How to Achieve High Performance with WordPress Hosting Guru 

1. Optimize Images 

    Compress your images in order to reserve the quality of your content. If you happen to forget, it’s no worries! We’ll auto-compress any images uploaded onto your WordPress website in the future!  

    2. Optimize Mobile Experience 

      Mobile phones are all the hype. Failing to optimize could possibly affect your website performance drastically as 72% of people state that they will leave a website if it is not responsive for mobile devices. A responsive mobile version uses correct fonts, positive use of navigation and is user friendly, across any and all devices. 

      3. Reduce Server Response Time 

        If your hosting server is inadequate, chances are you’ll have constant issues with your website. WordPress Hosting Guru ensures that our Guru Developers and Guru Designers map and implore a website that leaves room for growth as opposed to hindering you. 

        4. CDN Support 

          Content Delivery Network Support speeds up performance as well as the availability of your content. When a user requests a file from a website that uses CDN support, the file is served from the server that is closest to the user, cutting short the distance in which the file travels. 

          5. Leverage Browser Caching 

            Having a regularly-updated saved version of your website assists in showcasing a faster-loading cached version instead of having to continuously load the entire website and extending your page load time. 

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WordPress Hosting Guru

            Why GuruDesk for WordPress Website Performance? 

            GuruDesk’s lightning-fast WordPress hosting solution ensures your website loads in under 3 seconds, providing your visitors with the best possible experience.

            With GuruDesk’s high-performance functionality and 99.9% uptime guarantee, you can rest easy knowing that your site is always available and running smoothly.

            It is crucial to provide them with fast loading speeds consistently. With GuruDesk’s WordPress Hosting Solutions, you can ensure scalability for your website, delivering reliable and fast loading speeds at all times.

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