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Web Services

HTTP and HTTPS – What Are The Differences?
HTTP and HTTPS: Maintaining safe and secure internet environments is paramount in today’s interconnected society. The protocol used determines the safety of information passed between users and websites. As your dependable allies, we must clarify the distinctions between HTTP and HTTPS and how they may affect the safety of...

Unraveling the Battle: com vs net – Which Reigns Supreme?
com vs net – Finally, you’ve made your first step into choosing to walk through your digital journey. Unsure which TLD to choose, or what a TLD is? There’s nothing to worry about! Here’s your introduction on which domain extension to choose and why! Domain Extensions – .com vs...

Registering a Domain Name – Ready to go Live?
Registering a Domain Name – A major step forward in registering your own domain name – Congrats! With the first and vital step in establishing your online presence and making your mark on the world wide web, it is necessary to create a website that not only reflects your...

WordPress vs Wix: The Ultimate Website Builder Showdown
WordPress vs Wix: Wix is a cloud-based website that rivals WordPress in terms of development services. Providing a drag-and-drop interface enables users and customers to build websites without the need for technical know-how. With Wix sites being released in 2013 and WordPress sites being released in 2003, it is...

1 Expert Guide to Optimized Mobile Commerce
Mobile Commerce: Ecommerce websites have become more common as the world slowly develops. With an estimation of 2.14 billion Digital Buyers, Ecommerce continues to be the investment of the century! The use of mobile phones has become essential to 83.5% of the world’s economy. This begs the question: how...

Registering a Domain Name: 8 Steps to Building Your Presence
Registering a Domain Name: Having a website is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to building your online presence. In this digital age, it’s important to have a strong presence across multiple platforms, including social media and email marketing. This helps to increase your credibility and...

SSL Certificates: Securing Your Website From Cyber Threats
The importance of security lies in a couple of facts: security helps you protect any valuable data presented on your site. Take the example of security at a store. At the entrance, security stops any individual from stealing what does not belong to them or what has not been...

Ecommerce Security – #1 Guide to Improving Site Security
Being on the World Wide Web is a threat. Similar to how physical stores hire security guards and place cameras to prevent theft, online stores need to place firewall architecture to ensure that no information, internal or external, gets breached or worse, stolen. What is Ecommerce? WordPress, a popular...

Beginner’s Guide to Cloud Platform Services
Cloud Platform – The digital world evolves constantly, and if you are not a geek, it might be hard for you to keep up. Are you wondering what a cloud platform is? Explaining technical terms to internet dummies is easy peasy lemon squeezy for us! It is easy to...

Don’t Get Burned: Tips for Choosing a Web Host
Web Host – We all know that web hosting is kind of a big deal – it’s the foundation of your website. But choosing the hosting company and plan that are the best fit for your site isn’t always a straightforward process. Let’s be real, not all hosting providers...

Elementor Pro 101 – Empower Your Website
Being one of the top Content Management Systems, WordPress is preferred for a number of reasons, some of which are: When delving into a builder to start constructing the foundation of your site, Elementor Pro shows up as one of the top in the market. Elementor Pro Elementor page...

Starting an Ecommerce Shop with GuruDesk Essentials
Ecommerce has been on the rise for a while now, and the number of providers is only growing by the minute. With the pandemic, sales have reached a level where stocks are running low and businesses are struggling to keep up. That’s where ecommerce comes in to save the...
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