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WordPress Hosting Provider How to Choose a WordPress Hosting Provider?
WordPress Hosting: How to Choose a Provider
WordPress Hosting Provider: WordPress is a Content Management System that allows individuals to create, manage, and publish digital content. WordPress Hosting is a type of hosting service that is specifically tailored for WordPress sites allowing them to store website files on a server.  Choosing a Hosting Provider is detrimental...
why you need a website for your instagram shop
Why You Need A Website for Your Instagram Store 
A website for your instagram store Instagram has emerged as a powerful platform for creators and business owners to showcase their products, connect with customers, and build their brand.  However, while Instagram offers immense potential, relying solely on this platform can limit your growth and prevent you from unlocking...
Master Your Business: Essential Time Management Strategies for Business Owners
Master Your Business: Essential Time Management Strategies for Business Owners
Mastering effective time management is the cornerstone of transforming your business into a thriving success.  With only a limited number of hours each day, incorporating tried-and-true time management strategies can significantly enhance productivity and pave the way for long-term success. Time Management Strategies: Time Tracking and Why it’s Important ...
Web Design Tools and Resources: A Designer's Toolkit
Web Design Tools and Resources: A Designer’s Toolkit
Taking the decision to start a website is often the easy part. What’s more challenging is putting the pieces together to create an overall compelling and user-friendly website, which is essential for success.  Web design, the art and science of creating visually appealing and user-centric websites, plays a vital...
Launch your business with GuruDesk web hosting.
GuruDesk Web Hosting for Businesses: Reliable & Scalable Solutions
GuruDesk Web Hosting Importance of Web Hosting for Businesses Businesses are exponentially growing through the digital scene, especially with the COVID pandemic in 2019. As the world begins to explore the different aspects of online media, businesses are implored to explore their possibilities on the world wide web.  Digital...
All-in-One Solution for Starting and Managing Your Website Manage your website start your website
GuruDesk: The All-in-One Solution for Starting and Managing Your Website
Why Should You Start a Website? Starting and managing your website might seem like a stretch, but let me share a few compelling reasons why it can bring more benefits than drawbacks. Benefits of Having a Website There are many benefits to having a website, some of which include...
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How Much Does a Website Cost in 2023?
Launching a new business is a big deal. As overwhelming as it is, taking it online can feel confusing, especially when discussing development and design costs. How Much Does a Website Cost? When we consider a small business, a website can cost around $120 per year; however, if we...
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5 Lead Hosting Trends & How They Affect Your Business 
The digital business is only growing and, hence, becoming more and more competitive. If you’re a business owner looking to start your own site, having an efficient hosting provider is necessary.  While choosing the most popular hosting providers may work for some, several hosting trends may offer better options,...
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Introduction to Using AI to Write Blog Posts
What is AI? – Using AI to Write Blog Posts AI, also known as artificial intelligence, is the process of human machines simulating human intelligence. When it comes to writing, AI software should mimic human writers’ work.​​ With writers taking hours to complete, AI can generate large bits of...
10 Most Secure Practices When Creating Passwords
Creating Passwords with 10 Secure Practices
Secure Practices When Creating Passwords Starting your online journey is overwhelming enough. When placing your data on an online platform, you are risking confidential data being leaked. How and what are the best ways to prevent any hacking, malware breaches, or leakage of data? Hosting providers often take care...
Starting a website Planning a website name a website how to name a website starting your own website
Starting Your Own Website A Summarized Guide
Starting your own website sounds like a challenge, but that’s where all your efforts come into play. It may be an overwhelming first step; however, seeing your business, blog, agency, or whatever field flourish is a proud-worthy moment.  We know some clear direction is needed, which is why we...
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How to Create an Online Store in 7 Steps 
In 2023, the sky is the limit. With 1.13 billion websites on the internet, starting an e-commerce business is easier than ever. Whether it’s unique items intended to be sold or starting a wholesale or dropshipping business, you’ll need a great website with e-commerce capabilities to be a successful business...

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