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Elevate with Gorgeous Color Palettes for Website
The way you dress is often an indicator of the kind of individual you are. The same way you may present yourself through your clothing, presenting a business through the design of your website is necessary. Everything that goes into the design of the website is important, whether it...

GuruDesk’s Hosting: #1 Web Services Provider
Understanding the internet’s fabrications and necessities is crucial in a world where it dominates. When building your online platform in the digital age, it is important to see how different systems and applications communicate and exchange information over time. No matter the programming languages, platforms, or devices, there are...

WordPress vs Wix: The Ultimate Website Builder Showdown
WordPress vs Wix: Wix is a cloud-based website that rivals WordPress in terms of development services. Providing a drag-and-drop interface enables users and customers to build websites without the need for technical know-how. With Wix sites being released in 2013 and WordPress sites being released in 2003, it is...

Start Blogging in 2023 With Your Guru Guide
What is Blogging? – Start Blogging Referring to the act of writing and publishing content, blogging is for individuals or organizations to share their thoughts, opinions, experiences, or expertise in a specific subject area. Covering a variety of topics, blogs can include personal experiences, travel, fashion, technology, cooking, politics,...

The Visual Impact of Design Guidelines on Marketing Agency
Design Guidelines: Design has always played a role in the overall fate of a business. It is necessary to solidify your presence and bring on a new challenge that does not resemble anything else. Whether it be the same products or services, the overall mission, vision, and beliefs should...

1 Expert Guide to Optimized Mobile Commerce
Mobile Commerce: Ecommerce websites have become more common as the world slowly develops. With an estimation of 2.14 billion Digital Buyers, Ecommerce continues to be the investment of the century! The use of mobile phones has become essential to 83.5% of the world’s economy. This begs the question: how...

WordPressorg vs WordPresscom: Which is Right for You?
WordPressorg vs WordPresscom Powering 37% of all websites on the internet, WordPress continues to be one of the leading CMS sites to exist. For those that need a refresher, WordPress is a free open-source content management system that features a plugin architecture and and template system. Technically, WordPress allows...

8 WooCommerce Plugins & How to Elevate Your Site
WooCommerce Plugins: The world of online shopping has drastically escalated. WordPress, which powers 40% of online sites, released the WooCommerce plugin in 2011 and has taken the world by storm with approximately 29% of all online stores. WooCommerce enables users to turn their WordPress sites into online stores, allowing...

Blog SEO: Step-by-Step Guide
Blogs are considered a vital aspect of a website. With more and more businesses going live, it is important to make use of your blog and, before anything else, start optimizing your content. Blogging assists your site by positioning it as a relevant answer to multiple individuals’ questions. Search...

6 Strategies to Boost Sales: WooCommerce
Strategies to Boost Sales – When initiating a business online, the first thing that pops in your head is how to best boost sales. With several strategies being put in place, it is necessary to implement them to begin increasing revenue and profitability. We had already published a blog...

Flexible Ecommerce Platform: Why is it Vital to Your Business
Flexible e-commerce platform: Essential to creating a great shopping experience for buyers, Ecommerce is the buying or selling of products online. When delving into the fabrications of Ecommerce, it is necessary to have an understanding of what it is. There are multiple channels through which individuals can buy and...

Ecommerce Marketing: 5 Strategies to Grow Your Online Brand
Ecommerce Marketing – Ecommerce has stormed and taken the spotlight from in-store shopping. Global Ecommerce sales are expected to exceed 6.5 trillion dollars by 2023. This begs the question, why are multi-billion bricks and mortar stores and businesses investing heavily in Ecommerce marketing strategies? What is Ecommerce? Ecommerce is...
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